West Sussex
Lindsay Dobson
Lindsay Dobson Photography
19 Concorde Close
West Sussex
RH20 3JL
tel:- +44 1903 741 691
web address:-
Lindsay Dobson
Lindsay Dobson has an Image Exhibition here.
Successful Qualification Submission for Lindsay Dobson.
Animal photography is both a
personal and a commercial interest, and my nature and wildlife imagery is
included within my dedicated pet photography website - a place to view the
animals I encounter, be they commissioned portraits of any creature which
might be described as a pet or rare breed, or the native animals I happen
upon whilst exploring the British countryside.
I am inspired by every living
creature I meet, and I photograph animals of all types and all sizes. Whilst
humans conform to a predictable size and configuration, the animal world
offers a wealth of endless variety which I find both moving and fascinating
Raptors and birds which are either
seasonal migrants or common visitors to British gardens. This would include
Owls, Falcons, Ducks, Hawks, and Finches
Many of my nature and wildlife
images have been published in Professional Imagemaker magazine.
How would you best describe your personal style ...: My nature and animal
photography has a distinctive pictorial style, drawn from my training and
experience as a portrait photographer. I strive to create imagery which is
simple yet sensitive, showing the animal in its natural conformation - as we
might hope to see it.
Garden Wildlife
Nature Photography
Native mammals such as Voles, Deer,
Foxes, Polecats, Weazels, and Otters.