sinwp member Graham Daly

County Cork

Graham Daly ASINWP
Graham Daly Photography
54 Fort Hill
County Cork

tel:- +353 872 648 917
web address:-
e-mail:- Graham Daly

Social Media:
facebook:- Graham Daly Photography

sample image created by Graham Daly

Photographer from Cork, Ireland who specializes in Landscape, Nature and Astro photography genres. In April 2013 I was successfully awarded an Associateship from the SINWP with a panel of 20 Digital Images that consisted of a collection of Seascapes that featured coastal scenes of both Ireland and elsewhere in Europe. I am proud user and Ambassador of f-stop ( camera bags. When I am not out photographing, I am often busy with printing my own work and the works of other photographers and camera clubs on a wide range of Permajet papers.

Created 29/05/2024 - Updated 18/11/2024 15:26:02 Last Modified: Monday, 18 November 2024